The name of this association shall be Indiana University Bloomington Academic Advising
Council. The official acronym of the Council shall be IUBAAC.
Council. The official acronym of the Council shall be IUBAAC.
The Indiana University Bloomington Academic Advising Council’s mission is to promote
professional academic advising at Indiana University Bloomington. To this end, IUBAAC shall
advocate on behalf of IUB professional academic advisors at all campus levels IUBAAC is also
the forum for the discussion, debate, and exchange of ideas with regard to professional academic
advisors and advising practice on the Indiana University Bloomington campus. In addition,
IUBAAC is dedicated to supporting its constituency and fostering their professional growth with
respect to those aspects of academic and student affairs that affect the intellectual,
developmental, personal, and vocational needs of students.
professional academic advising at Indiana University Bloomington. To this end, IUBAAC shall
advocate on behalf of IUB professional academic advisors at all campus levels IUBAAC is also
the forum for the discussion, debate, and exchange of ideas with regard to professional academic
advisors and advising practice on the Indiana University Bloomington campus. In addition,
IUBAAC is dedicated to supporting its constituency and fostering their professional growth with
respect to those aspects of academic and student affairs that affect the intellectual,
developmental, personal, and vocational needs of students.
IUBAAC is allied with various professional institutions of higher education and higher education
professional organizations that support the profession of advising, academic advisors, and the
students advisors serve.
professional organizations that support the profession of advising, academic advisors, and the
students advisors serve.
Section 4.01 Equal Opportunity
The membership and opportunities for leadership shall be open to all individuals meeting
membership eligibility requirements. IUBAAC aims to respect and elevate the voices of its
members and therefore there shall be no discrimination for reasons of religion, age, race, color,
ethnicity, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, national origin, veteran
status, disability, marital status, language, culture, or socioeconomic status or background.
Section 4.02 Eligibility
A. Full voting IUBAAC membership shall be open to Indiana University Bloomington
employees for whom professional academic advising is a primary official duty. These
employee categories include professional advisors to undergraduate and graduate
students, and academic advising administrators. Full voting membership privileges
include voting on issues put before the membership and serving in leadership positions
that include officers, committee chairs, and unit Steering Committee representatives.
B. Non-voting membership can include graduate students for whom professional academic
advising is a primary, official duty, including for graduate practicums. Non-voting
members may participate in all IUBAAC events and may serve on subcommittees and ad
hoc committees, but may not hold officer or chair positions, may not serve as a unit
Steering Committee representative, and may not vote on issues put before the
C. Subscribing to the IUBAAC email list does not constitute IUBAAC membership. Faculty
and undergraduate students are not eligible for IUBAAC membership.
D. The Membership Committee can recommend that the Steering Committee approves
membership for someone who does not meet standard membership criteria; however,
such persons must have professional academic advising as a significant part of their
official duties. The Steering Committee can approve such membership with a two-thirds
Section 4.03 Termination of membership by Steering Committee
A. Individual members of IUBAAC may be terminated by a two-thirds vote of the Steering
Committee for conduct which in any way tends to be injurious to the Council or its
members, or which tends to adversely affect its reputation or which is contrary to or
destructive of its objectives. A simple majority of the current membership units must be
B. It is the right of the individual whose membership has been terminated to file a written
appeal with the Steering Committee; however, its decision regarding the appeal shall be
Committee for conduct which in any way tends to be injurious to the Council or its
members, or which tends to adversely affect its reputation or which is contrary to or
destructive of its objectives. A simple majority of the current membership units must be
B. It is the right of the individual whose membership has been terminated to file a written
appeal with the Steering Committee; however, its decision regarding the appeal shall be
Section 4.04 Endorsement
No member of the Council shall use the name or logo of Indiana University Bloomington
Academic Advising Council (IUBAAC) as an endorsement for personal gain.
The Spring annual IUBAAC meeting shall be held between January 1st and May 31st.
Additional meetings may be called by the Steering Committee.
Additional meetings may be called by the Steering Committee.
Section 6.01 Positions and Tenure of the Executive Board
A. The officers of the Executive Board shall consist of President, Vice President, Secretary,
and Treasurer.
B. Each executive officer position shall be occupied by a single person.
C. Each officer shall serve for a term of two years. The President and Secretary shall serve
their term concurrently, as shall the Vice President and Treasurer.
D. Terms commence on July 1 of each year.
Section 6.02 Election of Officers
A. The President and Secretary shall be elected during the even numbered years and the
Vice President and Treasurer shall be elected during odd-numbered years
B. Elections shall be held no later than April 30th of each year.
C. During the fall semester, the IUBAAC President shall inform membership of the officer
positions due for election and shall poll the membership for nominations.
D. Members may self-nominate other IUBAAC members. An individual nominated by
others must agree in writing or by e-mail to be a candidate for the position.
E. The President shall present all nominations to the Steering Committee for approval. The
Steering Committee shall base approval on each candidate’s experience, support of
IUBAAC and its mission and ability to contribute to the organization. Candidacy
approval shall be granted by a simple majority vote of Steering Committee members
present at the meeting of discussion.
F. Should vacant officer positions be without candidate, the Steering Committee shall solicit
and appoint a candidate from the membership. The appointed individual must agree to the
G. Voting may be conducted and completed by electronic or paper ballot prior over the
course of a period of 7 to 14 days.
H. Candidates receiving a simple majority of all votes shall be the new officers.
I. Results of the election process shall be announced to the membership by a member of the
acting Executive Board within a week of the election closing.
J. In the event of ties, a run-off election shall be held by electronic or paper ballot.
K. Run-off elections will be held over a period of 7-14 days.
L. Results of the run-off election process shall be announced to the membership by a
member of the acting Executive Board within a week of the election closing.
M. Ties not resolved by run-off election shall be broken by a simple majority vote of the
Steering Committee members present at the meeting of discussion directly following the
failed runoff.
Section 6.03 Duties and Responsibilities of Officers
A. President
1. When the Vice-President is unable to, the President shall preside at all meetings of
the Council and Steering Committee.
2. The President is charged with oversight of all Council activities and functions.
3. The President serves as a spokesperson and representative of the Council for campus
committees, campus events, and at state/national conferences.
4. The President may call special meetings of the Steering Committee.
5. The President may appoint ad hoc committees as needed.
6. The President serves as an ex officio member of all standing and ad hoc committees.
7. This delegating authority includes assigning an IUBAAC member to a Standing
Committee chair position if that position is vacated.
8. The President may delegate some of the above responsibilities to the other IUBAAC
Executive Board members without approval of the Steering Committee.
9. The President may appoint special office positions as defined in Article VII during
their term to address immediate or ongoing needs of the organization.
10. The President shall write the annual report of the organization and submit it to the
Steering Committee at the final meeting of the Steering Committee for that academic
11. In the event of a vacancy in the office of President, the Vice President shall assume
the duties of the President, without prejudice to the ensuing term of office.
B. Vice President
1. The Vice-President shall preside at all meetings of the Council and Steering
2. The Vice-President shall be responsible for updating the Standard Operating
Procedures Documents for the Executive Board, Steering Committee, and Standing
3. In the absence or temporary inability of the President to perform the duties of the
office, the Vice President shall assume said duties and while so acting shall have all
of the powers of the President and be subject to all the restrictions placed upon the
4. The Vice President shall perform other duties as may be assigned by the President
and/or the Steering Committee.
5. In the event of a vacancy in the office of Vice President, the President, with the
approval of the Steering Committee, shall appoint a replacement who shall complete
the term of office.
C. Secretary
1. The Secretary shall send notices of meetings as directed by the President.
2. The Secretary shall record, distribute to the membership, and maintain an electronic
file of the minutes of the meetings of the Council and its Steering Committee.
3. The Secretary shall maintain IUBAAC server spaces and electronic documents.
4. The Secretary shall maintain and monitor the IUBAAC email account.
5. The Secretary shall serve as an ex officio spokesperson on the Member Recognition
Committee for all IUBAAC award selection processes. The Secretary shall manage
the nominations and supporting documents for the nominees.
6. In the event of a vacancy in the office of the Secretary, the President, with the
approval of the Steering Committee, shall appoint a replacement who shall complete
the term of office.
D. Treasurer
1. The Treasurer shall have custody of all IUBAAC funds and must be knowledgeable
of University guidelines governing institutional funds.
2. Assets maintained outside the University shall be placed in a federally insured
depository institution approved by the Steering Committee.
3. The Treasurer shall maintain a register accounting for all receipts and disbursements.
4. The Treasurer shall write the annual report of Council funds.
5. The Treasurer shall submit the annual report and present the account register to the
Steering Committee for audit at the final meeting of the Steering Committee for that
academic year.
6. The fiscal year shall be from July 1 to June 30.
7. In the event of a vacancy in the office of Treasurer, the President, with the approval
of the Steering Committee, shall appoint a replacement who shall complete the term
of office.
Section 6.04 Removal of an Officer
Officers may be removed from their position by a two-thirds vote of the Steering Committeemembers present at the meeting of discussion. Officers removed by the Steering Committee may,
upon written or email request, have their removal confirmed or reversed by a simple majority
vote of the IUBAAC membership.
Section 7.01 Definition
A. The IUBAAC President may appoint up to three additional officers to the executive
committee to serve in various capacities as needed.
B. Appointed officers serve as members of the Steering Committee like other members of
the Executive Board.
Section 7.02 Creation of President Appointed Officer Positions
A. Any officer appointed to the executive committee by the President must have a title, role,
and defined function.
B. These appointed roles may be created at any moment during the President’s term.
C. All members of the Executive Board must approve the creation of a President appointed
officer position.
D. No more than three individuals may be appointed to the executive committee by the
president. The Steering Committee must approve additional executive committee
appointed members over the three-person minimum with a two-thirds vote.
and defined function.
B. These appointed roles may be created at any moment during the President’s term.
C. All members of the Executive Board must approve the creation of a President appointed
officer position.
D. No more than three individuals may be appointed to the executive committee by the
president. The Steering Committee must approve additional executive committee
appointed members over the three-person minimum with a two-thirds vote.
Section 7.03 Tenure and Removal of President Appointed Officer Positions
A. The existence of president appointed officer positions shall terminate upon the expiration
of the term of office of the President who created said position.
B. However, the Steering Committee may end the tenure of these appointment positions
prior to the end of the president’s term. Appointed officers may be removed from their
positions by a two-thirds vote of the Steering Committee members present at the meeting
of discussion. A quorum (defined as half plus one) of the current membership units must
be present. Appointed officers removed by the Steering Committee may, upon written
request, have their removal confirmed or reversed by a simple majority vote of the
IUBAAC membership.
of the term of office of the President who created said position.
B. However, the Steering Committee may end the tenure of these appointment positions
prior to the end of the president’s term. Appointed officers may be removed from their
positions by a two-thirds vote of the Steering Committee members present at the meeting
of discussion. A quorum (defined as half plus one) of the current membership units must
be present. Appointed officers removed by the Steering Committee may, upon written
request, have their removal confirmed or reversed by a simple majority vote of the
IUBAAC membership.
Section 8.01 Composition
A. The Steering Committee shall be comprised of the President, Vice President, Secretary,
Treasurer, president appointed officers, the Chairs of the Standing Committees, and one
representative from each of the following academic advising units to be appointed by the
given unit:
1. 21st Century Scholars
2. Academic Services-Athletics
3. Center for Students in Transition
4. College of Arts and Sciences
5. Eskenazi School of Art, Architecture and Design
6. Groups Scholars Program
7. Hamilton Lugar School of Global and International Studies
8. Health Professions and Prelaw Center
9. Hudson and Holland Scholars Program
10. Hutton Honors College
11. Jacob School of Music
12. Kelley School of Business
13. Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering
14. Media School
15. O’Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs
16. Office of Mentoring Services and Leadership Development
17. Office of Overseas Studies
18. School of Education
19. School of Nursing
20. School of Public Health-Bloomington
21. School of Social Work
22. University Division
B. The Steering Committee shall review unit representation each year and may approve
additional units for Steering Committee representation by a two-thirds vote, with any
such changes made to Section 8.01 Composition during the annual bylaws review.
C. The Steering Committee may remove a unit from the list of those approved for Steering
Committee representation by a two-thirds vote, with any such changes made to Section
8.01 Composition during the annual bylaws review.
D. The coordinator for each academic advising unit is responsible for designating a
representative to the Committee each year by May 1.
Section 8.02 Tenure
A. A new Steering Committee shall be established each year by June 1 for the term of one
B. The Steering Committee will be on recess in the months of June and July unless the
IUBAAC Executive Board elections are still ongoing.
C. The Steering Committee shall meet at least once a month from August 1 through May 31
but may call additional meetings throughout the year.
D. The Steering Committee shall have full authority over the affairs of IUBAAC.
Section 8.03 Powers and Responsibilities
A. The Steering Committee shall be responsible for all meetings of IUBAAC.
B. The Steering Committee shall supervise the activities of the Standing Committees and ad
hoc committees.
C. The Steering Committee is responsible for the annual IUBAAC budget and for
maintaining the financial well-being of the organization.
1. The Steering Committee shall prepare and approve an annual budget for the following
academic year by no later than January 15.
2. The Steering Committee may delegate the responsibility of developing the budget to
the current IUBAAC Treasurer and President.
3. The Steering Committee shall share the approved budget with the membership during
the annual fall meeting.
4. The Steering Committee is responsible for maintaining a balanced budget that ensures
the financial health of the organization and falls in line with institutional fiscal
5. The Executive Board and Steering Committee shall reconcile issues with the
approved budget during the first meeting of the Steering Committee in August.
6. The Steering Committee shall determine the annual source(s) of income for
7. The Steering Committee must approve all contracts and/or other agreements
obligating the organization.
8. The Steering Committee may authorize variations in budgeted expenditures as
necessary to fulfill the Council’s goals. The Steering Committee must notify the
Council of individual expenditures costing $1,000 or greater that are not contained in
the original annual budget. The Steering Committee must notify the Council of any
such expenditure within two weeks of the Steering Committee’s approval of the
Section 9.01 Composition
A. The Standing Committees shall consist of volunteers from the membership of the Council
at large.
B. The Standing Committees shall be convened by September 1 of each year and a Chair
elected from the committee members attending the first meeting. Initial meetings of each
Standing Committee shall be called by the previous year’s Chair or the IUBAAC
C. Each Standing Committee Chairperson shall serve 1 year. If the Chair steps down, a new
Chair shall be elected by Committee membership.
D. Each Standing Committee Chairperson shall serve as a member of the Steering
Committee for the duration of their term as Chair.
Section 9.02 Nature of Standing Committees
IUBAAC shall include the following Standing Committees: Professional Development, Communications and Public Relations, and Member Recognition.
A. Professional Development
The responsibilities for this committee include but are not limited to planning, conducting
and supervising the professional development activities of the IUBAAC in a manner that
contributes to the ongoing development and professional status of the membership.
1. Conferences
2. Workshops
3. Brown bag lunches
4. Seminars/webinars
5. The Vice President shall be a member of this committee
B. Communications and Public Relations Committee
The responsibilities for this committee include but are not limited to the coordination of
activities that communicate issues, ideas, and information to the membership.
1. Website maintenance
2. Email list maintenance
3. External communications to the campus and public regarding IUBAAC activities,
awards, etc. (i.e., IU Homepages, Press Releases to IDS, etc.)
C. Membership Committee
The responsibilities for this committee include but are not limited to
1. The recruitment and retention of members.
2. If applicable, sending annual membership renewals and collection of the
corresponding membership fees.
3. Maintaining membership records.
4. Conducting a fair and equitable nomination process for all IUBAAC awards.
5. The Secretary shall be an ex-officio member of the committee for purposes of all
IUBAAC award processes.
D. Advocacy Committee
The responsibilities of this committee include, but are not limited to, identifying key concerns of advisors across campus, working with the advisors and university leadership to offer recommendations to address those concerns, and to advocate for equity and the well-being of advisors and the advising profession at IUB. Some of the ways in which the committee will execute these responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
1. Developing an annual IUBAAC report on the state of the advising profession on the IU Bloomington campus
2. Creating and circulating an annual survey to IUBAAC membership to capture both emergent and long-standing needs and concerns of advisors.
3. Supporting IUBAAC's efforts to foster and maintain relationships with professional advising organizations and key campus stakeholders.
4. Working with other IUBAAC committees to address in a timely manner emerging campus issues that impact the advising profession and to openly advance advisor interests.
Section 9.03 Responsibilities
A. Each Standing Committee shall perform such functions as prescribed above.
B. Each Standing Committee shall prepare an annual budget to be submitted to the Treasurer
prior to the last regularly scheduled Steering Committee meeting before the annual
membership meeting.
C. Each Standing Committee shall prepare an annual report to be submitted to the President
prior to the regularly scheduled Steering Committee meeting before the last annual
membership meeting.
D. Each Standing Committee Chair shall be responsible for reporting its ongoing activities
to the President.
B. Each Standing Committee shall prepare an annual budget to be submitted to the Treasurer
prior to the last regularly scheduled Steering Committee meeting before the annual
membership meeting.
C. Each Standing Committee shall prepare an annual report to be submitted to the President
prior to the regularly scheduled Steering Committee meeting before the last annual
membership meeting.
D. Each Standing Committee Chair shall be responsible for reporting its ongoing activities
to the President.
A. Committees may be established by the Council or by the Steering Committee to serve as
needed. Service on these committees shall be open to all IUBAAC members.
B. Each ad hoc committee must have a written charge stating procedures and duration of the
committee assignment.
C. Ad hoc committees may be created to promote the purpose(s) of the Council or carry out
necessary functions of the Council on the state, regional or national levels.
D. Creation of ad hoc committees, their jurisdiction, and the number, selection and tenure of
members shall be the responsibility of the President and subject to the approval of the
Steering Committee.
E. The existence of ad hoc committees shall terminate upon the expiration of the term of
office of the President who created said committee or upon completion of its purpose(s)
Section 11.01 Proposals
The Steering Committee shall annually appoint an ad hoc committee to review the bylaws and
present a report to the Steering Committee including proposed revisions or indicating that no
changes are recommended. The entire review process, including the Steering Committee’s
approval or disapproval of any proposed revisions, shall be completed by April 30th and any
approved changes put before IUBAAC membership for a ratification vote prior to June.
present a report to the Steering Committee including proposed revisions or indicating that no
changes are recommended. The entire review process, including the Steering Committee’s
approval or disapproval of any proposed revisions, shall be completed by April 30th and any
approved changes put before IUBAAC membership for a ratification vote prior to June.
Section 11.02 Bylaws Amendment Proposals
A. Amendments proposed by individual members: Amendments proposed by individual
members must be submitted in writing or by email with signatures of five IUBAAC
members. The proposed amendment(s) should be submitted to the Steering Committee
for approval prior to review and vote by the membership.
B. Amendments proposed by an ad hoc or standing committee must be submitted to the
Steering Committee for approval prior to review and vote by the membership.
members must be submitted in writing or by email with signatures of five IUBAAC
members. The proposed amendment(s) should be submitted to the Steering Committee
for approval prior to review and vote by the membership.
B. Amendments proposed by an ad hoc or standing committee must be submitted to the
Steering Committee for approval prior to review and vote by the membership.
Section 11.03 Submission of Bylaws Amendment Proposals
Upon an affirmative vote of a two-thirds majority of the Steering Committee members present at
the meeting of discussion, the proposed amendment(s) shall be submitted to the membership at any meeting or by electronic email within thirty days of approval by the Steering Committee.
the meeting of discussion, the proposed amendment(s) shall be submitted to the membership at any meeting or by electronic email within thirty days of approval by the Steering Committee.
Section 11.04 Adoption of Bylaws Amendment Proposals
The bylaws shall be amended by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of all votes received from
IUBAAC membership following two weeks written or email notification of the proposed
IUBAAC membership following two weeks written or email notification of the proposed
Section 11.05 Dissolution of IUBAAC
Upon dissolution of IUBAAC the Steering Committee shall provide for the payment of all debts
and claims against the Council and for the transfer of all remaining funds and property to Indiana University.
and claims against the Council and for the transfer of all remaining funds and property to Indiana University.
Revised 8.11.23